Tea Factories & Museums in Taiwan
🍵 Tea Factory & Museum Worthit! 📍 Limited locations available in Taiwan
Mt. Shuan & Mt. Linming (Shuanshan & Linmingshan)
🏔 Mt. Shuan & Mt. Linming Worthit!📍 Mt. Shuan (閂山) & Mt. Linming (鈴鳴山), Taichung, Taiwan Trip date: June 12-14th, 2022 Well, our plan was: Day 1- Mt. Linming and Mt. Rendai (人待山), Day 2- Mt. Shuan.Normally people don’t do this because they would be freaking tired on the first day 😅.And yes, we only…
Lanyu 3-4 Day Tour Itinerary
📍 Lanyu (Orchid Island) Worthit!☀ Lanyu, Taiwan An outlying island, with all the beauty of culture, nature, and humanity. 🌊 Here is a detailed 3-day trip itinerary to Lanyu, the Orchid Island in Taiwan. 🌴 1⃣ Day 1 1⃣2022.06.03 ⛴ 7 am: Cruise from Pintung Hou-pi-hu Fishing Harbor (屏東後壁湖) to Lanyu You can either head…
2022 Miaoli Orange Daylily Field
🌻 Orange Daylily Worthit!📍 苗栗縣大湖鄉細道邦道大湖金針花堤防 (Orange Daylily Embankment), Miaoli County, Dahu Township, Taiwan It’s Mother’s Day! While in western countries, carnations symbolise motherhood, in Taiwan, orange daylily represents mothers!👩👧👦 Good news for the people living on the west coast of Taiwan:📰By simply driving to Miaoli, there’s no need to go to Taitung for visiting the…
Yinhe Cave Waterfall
💧 Yinhe Cave Waterfall Worthit!📍 Yinhe Cave Waterfall Trail, New Taipei City, Taiwan Even on a Monday, this waterfall can still be crowded!🎒 Yinhe Cave Waterfall is famous for water falling down, passing by a cave and looking just like the milky way across the night sky.🌌 Taking the Green 12 bus from XinDian MRT…
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